
Authentication of Cordyceps, Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis and donkey-hide gelatin

本中心推出全港獨有的正品冬蟲夏草、鐵皮石斛及阿膠鑒定服務。冬蟲夏草及鐵皮石斛的創新鑒定技術受到多項專利保護, 且獲得香港浸會大學授權使用。本中心旨在為業界提供經濟、高效的專業鑒定服務,從而增強消費者對相關產品的信心。

The authentication service of Cordyceps and Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis is based on the patented innovative technologies. The Centre has been exclusively authorized by HKBU to use the patent license. This new service has significant advantages over conventional methods in terms of cost and efficiency, and it would greatly enhance consumer trust.


服務優勢 Special Features


市場調查結果 Marketing Research


The marketing survey was conducted  from June 2017 to March 2018, to understand the concern of consumer when they purchase valuable Chinese medicines.

數據分析結果表明 Analysis:
1.近60%的消費者將產品真偽作爲優先考慮的因素; The authenticity is the first concern of 60% customers;
2.接近一半的消費者選擇相信第三方鑒定報告; Authentication report from third-party was preferred by nearly 50% of customers;
3.第三方機構發出的專業鑒定證書顯著提高了消費者的購買信心; The certificate issued by third-party outstandingly reinforce consumers confident;
4.大部份消費者接受因專業鑒定而導致的一成價格增幅 10% increase of the price caused by the certification would be acceptable for most consumer.


服務詳情  Service Details

1. 鑒定服務概覽 Authentication Service Overview

We provide authentication service in different processing phase to ensure the product quality.

2. 證書認證系統 Certification System


Consumers can access the authentication result and product information via scanning the QR Code on the certification.



The exact charge would be modified according to the sample amount, categories, and promotion activities. Please contact us for more information ( 



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