• 03-252019
  • 2019產學研峰會順利舉行 <<返回

    浸大中醫藥學院與香港鐵皮石斛檢定中心聯合舉辦 2018香港名貴中藥質量控制產學研峰會



    1. 香港中文大學生命科學學院 邵鵬柱教授 (主講課題:利用分子科技快速鑒定魚翅真偽的發展)《在YouTube觀看
    2. 澳門大學中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室副主任 李紹平教授  (主講課題:冬蟲夏草研究) 《在YouTube觀看
    3. 浙江天台中藥研究所 陳立鑽所長 (主講課題:鐵皮石斛道地性栽培的研究)《在YouTube觀看
    4. 國家膠類中藥工程技術研究中心主任 周祥山教授 (主講課題:阿膠全産業鏈質量控制 )《在YouTube觀看
    5. 中國醫學科學院新藥安全性評價中心 靳洪濤教授 (主講課題:阿膠對氣管內滴入人工細顆粒導致大鼠肺損傷的保護作用)《在YouTube觀看
    6. 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院 韓全斌博士 (主講課題:名貴中藥質量控制)《在YouTube觀看






    School of Chinese Medicine and Hong Kong Authentication Centre of Dendrobii Oddicinalis Caulis held 2018 Hong Kong Summit on Quality Control of Valuable Chinese Medicines

    On March 16, 2019, The School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Authentication Centre of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis jointly organized the 2019 Hong Kong Summit on Quality Control of Valuable Chinese Medicines, in which six experts and scholars gave lectures on the investigation of the resources and quality control of treasurable Chinese medicines, including shark fin, Cordyceps, Donkey-hide gelatin, and Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis. Around 200 representatives and guests from government agencies, industry, academia, and scientific research communities attended this meeting, which promoted the understanding of the standardization and quality control of traditional Chinese medicines and strengthened the contact and understanding among multiple communities. The summit will be held once a year to create a platform for exchange and sharing of the novel research and application of quality control of valuable Chinese medicines, and to contribute to the substainable developemt of valuable Chinese medicinesindustry in Hong Kong. The summit was sponsored by Dong-e e-Jiao and Imperial Bird's Nest.